Friday, May 18, 2007

liking music in a schedule

It never ends once the connecting starts.

This is how it was explained to me by my uncle who is an architect - a man with a plan and
a snappy dresser too -

"If you keep enjoying music that distorts genres you might end
up liking all kinds of music! Beware! There are only so many hours in a day, after all. A
listener must have discipline and stick to a regimen: so many hours a day of listening to
one kind of music at a time.

For instance: light classical first thing in the morning, shading gradually into light pop hits from the '40s, '50s and '60s in the late morning, progressing steadily (mind those BPMs!) into more stimulating music - rock and roll afternoons so you can stay awake after lunch and into the early evening.

Evenings are the time for a decision - turn things up a notch or two? or turn them down? Martin Denny or Comets On Fire? Harold Budd or Butthole Surfers? Later, The New Sons of Hypnos hold sway and Morpheus descends.

It's all true, so don't be a deviant and waste your precious and finite time on confusing music! Program your music and stick to it!"


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